#76 Latasha James: Living With Intention to Create Her Best Work

Latasha James is a marketing expert, digital creator, and coach. She's built an audience on YouTube with nearly 135K subscribers where she creates videos to help entrepreneurs to scale their business and leverage social media. She also hosts The Freelance Friday Podcast, facilitates a mastermind group (Freelance Friday Club), and has developed several online courses like the Social Media Management Toolbox.

Things we discuss:

-What really prevents people from creating content online

-The greatest lessons she learned from her parents

-How her childhood helped her develop resilience

-How she's grown and shifted her business from services based to digital

-An important question she asks herself before she publishes content

-How reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield impacted her creativity

-Guardrails she's implemented to show up as the best version of herself at home and work

-Setbacks she's learned the most from and more..

Watch the interview with Latasha on YouTube

Visit her site: https://latashajames.com

Check out her YouTube channel

Follow her on Twitter

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